Saturday 28 April 2012


Learning Lugandan, the traditional language of Uganda, is more exciting if you use it to insult your friends.  “Ahlingah messah (You look like a rat).” “ Abana bo bambe nyo nyo nyo ( Your children are so, so ugly).”Charles, Caroline, Jaja and I often find ourselves in hysterics at the breakfast table and across the office as we invent new insults to pass around. As the insults get longer and more interesting it tests my Lugandan skills as I search my memory for the words duck, chicken, cow and turkey. Today after a battle of the Lugandan wits with Charles he leaned close and with a mischievous grin, whispered “You look like... a Taco.” I looked at Caroline with quizzical eyes looking for an interpretation. “It means bum,” she said, “and don’t you ever say it in public or to Jaja because it is a very vulgar word.” “You know,” I tell Charles, “...there is a restaurant in Canada called Tacobell and you can order tacos?” “I should like to go there,” He says before bursting into laughter.

1 comment:

  1. Kirsten, Misty wants you to tell Charles that in Saskatchewan, Manitoba, Alberta and Ontario they have a restaurant called "Taco Time". That should send him over the edge. LOL>
