Saturday 17 March 2012


Dear Reader

Friend...buddy of mine...old pal...there are a few items I really want. In fact, they are necessary. I swear. I NEED THEM MAN! Oh? You suppose you could send them? What do I want? Just a few items really...

mascara, black eyeliner, watermelon lip gloss, work gloves, food in packaging! Plastic packaging! Plastics in orange, blue, purple, red, pink, green, brown, white, polka dotted, striped, crisscrossed western food made with hormones and preservatives! I want products manufactured in additives and excessive packaging! I want the food I consume to be the furthest place from the ground food can get! I want it processed and sliced, boiled and baked, greased and microwaved. I want meat! Send me a chicken and cow, goat or rabbit, I want beef! Send me bed sheets and fluffy towels, shoes and hair dye, hair gel and nail files, toilets that flush and chocolate! Chocolate bars and chocolate protein powder, chocolate ice cream and chocolate cake, chocolate mousse and chocolate chip cookies! Oh wait....the cravings have passed...never mind...I don't really need any of those things.

The above rant may make you laugh but I promise you, every two weeks I go to a dark place where I crave all of these things, at least for an afternoon. I try to remember how burgers taste at home, how wholegrain bread does exist and how I would love a pair of pink running shorts. Then I remember that these ravings are just materialistic toxins leaving my body, and soon, maybe not 2 weeks from now, or a  month from now, the cravings will be gone, and it will benefit my life by learning to live with less material pleasures.

On this one month anniversary of my internship in Uganda I was trying to collect all the important lessons I have learned so far:

1. Most people are good, trustworthy and just want a laugh.
2. You can survive off beans, rice, cabbage and bananas. You may lose 7 pounds in one month like I did but your body will feel fine and you'll have enough energy. Most importantly you'll realize food is fuel and not a way to manage your emotions or entertain yourself when you are bored.
3. Time away from people and situations gives you time and space to work things out in your head without feeling pressure.
4. The key to happiness is being surrounded by supportive and kind family and friends and being supportive and kind in return.

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